Feel The Music PNG – For Video Editing

Feel The Music PNG – For Video Editing

Spectrolizer is a unique hybrid music player, based on the new advanced psychoacoustic spectrum analysis technology developed by Ico Software, with fixed, frequency spectrum, interactive 3D music visualization programs.

What you will find in the spectrum:

With musical vision:

Preset multiple appearances and colors

Color layout and editor presets

Multiple viewing modes (normal, kaleidoscope, sensor and VR, pyramid mirror, simple mirror, database analyzer)

Feel The Music PNG – For Video Editing

Multiple presentation modes (light display, ink display, personalized display with your own background image)

Multiple interactive modes, allowing you to perform various operations in the 3D view of the visualizer: rotate, move, zoom.

Other advanced features. For example: visualization delay (for Bluetooth headsets or speakers), the ability to display visualization on an external HDMI monitor

Use music player:

Can play tracks directly from the media library to a USB storage or external storage folder

The ability of the media to play Internet media streams

Feel The Music PNG – For Video Editing

Library Media library browser with many functions, such as sorting and grouping media tracks by title, album, artist, year, duration, date, file, file name or file size

Ability to import M3U and PLS playlists Ability to create playlists in media library or external storage

Sound effects: virtualizer, bus enhancement, equalizer, loudness enhancer, Riverb

Multiple queues
– Air reproduction
– Sleep timer
– ID application for music playback

Spectrum analyzer

The viewer can not only play music, but also visualize the sound recorded from the device’s microphone. For this, you can easily convert Spectrumizer into a powerful spectrum analyzer:

Feel The Music PNG – For Video Editing

Audi’s special view mode “DB Analyzer”, which works at the dB level instead of the psychoacoustic level

Expect special layout presets without effect-more convenient spectrum monitoring

Special presets with high color sensitivity-more suitable for convenient spectral observation

Strange special interactive mode with analyzer, which can show you the dB level value of the selected frequency band

Other suitable functions. For example: spectrum magnet (makes quiet signals more clearly visible)

Enjoy the fun of using the spectrum:

Used as an organ/organ/color/light for a disco party at home.

Feel The Music PNG – For Video Editing

– HD HDMI external display, including ambient TV or projector
– VVR with headset
– Py pyramid with mirror (holographic pyramid)

With high-quality clear spectrum and real-time generated spectrogram, we only use the highest pitch and highest harmonic (signature).

Draw any pixels on the observer’s screen for no reason-only for aesthetic purposes (except for background images, which are not visualized).

What you see is only the actual data produced by the spectrum analyzer and a lot of this information: our spectrum analyzer has powerful functions that can analyze 480 bands (RTA 1/4) stereo in real time-a total of 960 bands, each of this band

The output rate is up to 500 results per second In the end, 480,000 results (new pixels in the texture) can be produced per second (depending on the device CPU).

Feel The Music PNG – For Video Editing

Make description the most effective visualization tool for the relationship between words and the resulting visual content

Only with the help of Spectroller, you can see how the singer’s voice vibrates, you can see every drum sound, you won’t miss any short fragments (transparent signals), you can understand that the sounds of different instruments cannot be changed but only Hear. .


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